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Love it. Learn it. Teach it.

Since NAUI’s inception in 1960, the National Association of Underwater Instructors (NAUI) has set the industry training and leadership standards for recreational and technical diving.

NAUI Canada’s core beliefs and approach to diver training and leadership, are reflected in the motto “Dive Safety Through Education”. This means that NAUI Leaders do not obtain their rating unless they can be entrusted with the care and well being of another’s loved ones – a level of trust we all understand and value.

While NAUI has long been respected for having the highest training standards in the recreational diving industry, we are also highly regarded for our Technical Diver Training. Many of our technical developments have been adopted by other agencies; our Technical Diving Division leads in the development of new theories and research that keeps NAUI on the cutting edge of technical diving.


happy naui canada clients

Had a great time to get my open water certification instructors were absolutely the best , Todd, Chris and Amber made the entire experience extremely enjoyable . Overall had a superb time!

Vincent Slawski
Vincent SlawskiCertified Open Water

Todd and team are great! Patient as can be during my learning curve. Thank you to all the instructors in class, especially Aquaman.

Michelle West
Michelle WestOpen Water Student

Excellent comprehensive course. Todd makes sure everyone is up to speed before moving forward. Highly recommend!

DGDOpen Water Certified Student
